Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lessons Learned

For me, the biggest enemy of good diabetes management is denial.  In my current situation, it's awfully easy to pretend my diabetes doesn't exist.  I suspect I could go weeks at a time pretending that no action, no change, was required of me.  Active participation in the online community of diabetics helps prevent that.

One day last week I had a meal that, while not ideal, I've had before without particular problems. (Can you say "five dollar footlong"?  Can you avoid singing it?)  Later in the evening, I found that I was thirsty.  No surprise, everybody gets thirsty now and then.  So I had a glass of water and went back to following the DOC on Twitter. 

An hour or so later, I felt thirsty again.  I think that it's only because I was thinking about diabetes that I got the suspicion that perhaps I should should test.  I was 176 -- FIVE HOURS after eating, with nothing since.  Heaven know what it had been earlier. After I tested, I tweeted what had happened, indicating my frustration.  I was instantly reassured (thanks, Doug!) that bad BGs happen.

So, that night I learned that the five dollar footlongs need to be a part of my past -- unless maybe eaten at TWO meals. I also (re)learned that the support of the online community has become important to me. 

We all gotta keep learning, right?


  1. 5. 5 Dollar. 5 Dollar Footlong.

    no, I can't avoid it...

    lol, but you are right. You learned something from a bad experience that will help your overall control. Two meals and add a salad?

    You know, diet changes are the hardest things in the world to do. I've cut my carbs from over 200 a day to around 100 and it wasn't easy, but I learned that it helped level out my post meal spikes

    Hang in the brother!

  2. I hate when I find that something that was "safe" is no longer safe.

    (Although, ewww, Subway.)


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T Minus Two by Bob Pedersen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.